Support Overview
The knowledgebase and support forums are available for all users, including users of our free products. Please search the knowledgebase first, as it contains answers to most questions.

If you are having trouble with one of our programs, or just have a question, the first place to look is our online knowledgebase.
BrightFort Knowledgebase
BrightFort Knowledgebase

Support Forums
If you are unable to find a solution to your problem, or simply have a general question, comment or suggestion, please post in the Support Forums.
Official BrightFort Forums (hosted at the Wilders Security Forums)
Official BrightFort Forums (hosted at the Wilders Security Forums)
Pro Support
Pro support is only available for users who have purchased a license.
Please search the knowledgebase before contacting support, to help us help you faster.
Please search the knowledgebase before contacting support, to help us help you faster.

Pro License Issues
For issues with the various "Pro" versions of our products, please use the appropriate link below to open a support ticket.
SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate license issues
EULAlyzer Pro license issues
SpywareBlaster AutoUpdate license issues
EULAlyzer Pro license issues